Kodak DCS 420 (1994)

The Kodak DCS 420 was a 1994 model with 8MB internal buffer memory. It also was used for the Kodak AP NC2000e camera. The Kodak DCS 4xx series is widely covered on the internet so there is actually nothing useful I can add to that. The analog body was a Nikon N90(s) or FX-90(s). The camera would take PCMCIA flash AT cards, a 105MB card could for instance store 2-3 hours of audio when no pictures were taken (imagine the possibilities!).

Different versions were marketed:

DCS 420c           - color CCD
DCS 420c P/S    - color CCD post script
DCS 420m         - monochrome CCD
DCS 420ir          - infrared conversion monochrome CCD

and of course some custom models for 'special customers':

DCS 420 GPS-C     - color CCD with GPS compatibility
DCS 420 GPS-IR    - infrared conversion with GPS compatibility
DCS 420 GPS-M    - monochrome CCD with GPS compatibility
DCS 420CIR          - infrared conversion with color CCD

From here I'd like to point you to Jarle's great entry on this camera model:

Kodak DCS 420 on Nikon Web

and the MIR site of course:

Kodak DCS 4xx series on MIR

All images © digicammuseum.com and digitalkameramuseum.de


  • Brand: Kodak
  • Model: DCS 420
  • First mentioned: 1994
  • Marketed: yes
  • MSRP: $11,000
  • Imager Type: Kodak M5 CCD
  • Resolution: 1012x1524
  • Internal Storage: 8MB buffer memory
  • External Storage: PC Card Type II/III
  • Lens: Nikon F-mount lenses
  • Shutter: electronic shutter
  • Aperture Range: lens dependent
  • LCD screen size: -
  • Size: 208 x 170 x 114mm
  • Weight: 1,700 gr.
  • Remarks: Also sold as Kodak AP NC2000E

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